Speed Sketching: You Should Try!

Throughout my quiet existence on Earth, I have tried speed dialing, speed writing, heck, even speed dating (in my defense, I was tagging along with friends), but never before have I tried Speed Sketching–that is, until last night! Fourteen artists (some amateur, some pro) gathered inside a small, dingy room in some remote Chinese neighborhood where people hang-dry their shoes, socks and undergarments for all to see.

The Rules: one artist poses front and center for 1 minute while everyone else sketches away. Some artists used watercolors, pencils and charcoal. Others (such as myself) used iPads. After wrestling with the timer, dim lighting and plenty of shaken nerves, my flat screen displayed the following doodles:

As you can tell, there isn’t much to see (remember, 60 seconds). Below are the artists’ sketches of me. Two are fun and realistic. One is quite grotesque. Can you guess which one?

Sarcastic Narcosis #4: Apartides Rising

Apartides Rising

Princess on a steeple and all the pretty people
they’re all drinking, thinking they’ve got it made.
Exchanging precious gifts,
but you better take your diamond ring and pawn it, babe.

– Bob Dylan ’65 –

New Year’s Resolution #8: Do More Yoga

Yoga Bones

As I formulate my New Year’s resolutions for 2018, I will most-definitely add do more yoga to that list. Not only is yoga a great physical and mental workout, but it’s an effective way to understand the body (bones, muscles, internal organs, etc). Having performed various stretches and postures called asanas, I’ve realized that (besides being as limber as dried-up coral washed ashore), my body parts have grown quite imbalanced. For example, my left arm and leg are way more flexible than my right arm and leg. Why is that? What scientific phenomenon has caused this disparity throughout the years? Besides this question, doing yoga has brought up many, many more. And it’s asking questions about ourselves and the world around us that keeps our minds on the path of curiosity and creativity. So get ready, yoga mat, you’ll be seeing more of my rigid skeleton in 2018!

Introducing Snobbity Snowman

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Hello, everyone! As winter approaches, I’ll be posting pages from my new children’s book, Snobbity Snowman, from now until the new year. If you would like a free copy, let me know and I’ll send you a Smashwords coupon. In this page, we introduce our main character by showing just how snobbity he can be towards others.

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Inspirational Reblog to heighten the senses…

There was a sound coming from the central square. A sound they’d never heard before, so smooth and soft, so beautiful. There was something in the tones, between the tones that made the world seem like a better place, the sky a bit bluer, the problems lighter to carry. There was a man sitting there. […]

via One Day Music Came — Fictionspawn Monsters

Share a Squary Saturday w/ Rounda Rosy

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It’s Squary Saturday!

Here’s a snippet from Welcome to Squareville, a children’s book about a young Sphere named Rounda who moves into a village filled with Squares. Ridiculed at first, she learns to stand up for herself and teach the stubborn Squares a thing or two about being round.

Touching upon pivotal themes such as social tolerance and self worth, this brightly-colored picture book promises to inspire the roundness in us all.

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Quiet Riley

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